A friend of mine is participating in Team in Training, an organization that raises money for Lukemia and Lymphona research and services. She's been working hard but still needs some donations to meet her goal. I know no one has a ton of money right now, but if each person who reads this, each person who buys a cup of coffee or a smoothie or a donut each day gave $5 (tax-deductible!) her goal could be reached in no time. It's a very worth-while cause. Very few of us get to feel like heroes, but this is actually a way in which you can help save a life, make someone's day a little easier, and make someone's struggle a bit less daunting.
Here's a link to her page.
We're also gathering some original artwork to be auctioned on ebay. I'll post those auctions as soon as they're up.
I hope that you can donate. Whether or not you can, I hope you will pass this information on to others who may be able to.
Thanks to those who've already given. I really do appreciate it.